Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Chapter 1: Democracy

In reading Chapter 1 of Countries and Concepts by Michael G. Roskin the concepts of democracy and revolutions coincide. For example, the Egyptian Revolution took place in 2011 in attempts to overthrow President Mubarak. Later in the year the revolution lead to the democratic election of Mohamed Morsy. In early 2013 Morsy was overthrown and Egypt is currently attempting to once again achieve a democratic stance as a country since the revolution left the country incredibly unstable. In attempts to realize democracy Egypt has been subjected to the loss of thousands of civilians and protestors creating a sense of political and national chaos.Egypt is currently looking into adopting a new constitution which will hopefully turn around the oppressive state of the country.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the Egyptian revolution and how much attention it got from the rest of the world! I think it is very interesting that the Egyptian people have the strength and willpower to overthrow one person after the other, but I think it's great that they are looking into a democracy to better themselves as a country. However, it was very ignorant for them to overthrow Morsy after the election THEY had which caused the country to become unstable! It was basically the people's fault that the country became unstable, but it was good that they were seeking change. I hope they do something very soon to end the unnecessary deaths and chaos. Great article by the way! So much information that I did not know!
