Monday, April 7, 2014

Chapter 10: Brazil

Brazils parliament is bicameral with the lower house consisting of 513 members, each elected for four year terms. The largest party is Lula’s PT but only has 88 seats. During elections each of the 15 parties us a multimember PR district where candidates can either pick a party or pencil the name of the preferred candidates into the ballot. Historically the military presidents have had and maintained more power than civilian successors. The military has served as part of Brazils political institutions for several years due to the countries weak political infrastructure. For example, when the country reaches a state of distress and chaos, the military has to step into political positions due to the disorganization and incapability of the countries politicians to properly handle the demands of the general public. 
In the link below, further proof of the militaries influence is depicted as Brazils defense minister finally agreed to investigate potential human rights abuses on the behalf of the military facilities believed to be committed during the countries 21 year old dictatorship.

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